Elevating Your Brand With Conversational Commerce: The Future of E-Commerce

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There’s no question that e-commerce changed the game when it comes to how we shop. But there’s still something about going into a physical store that makes people feel more confident in their purchases.

Being able to see products IRL is huge, but there’s also another aspect that we sometimes take for granted: getting your questions answered by a store employee.

Do you have this in my size?

Will this adapter work with my laptop?

What wine or beer does this pair well with?

Can you tell me more about [insert product or service]?

But what if you could bring that type of exchange into the online experience?

Enter: Conversational commerce.

What is conversational commerce?

Conversational commerce is an approach to e-commerce where consumers engage in a dialog with brands virtually during the buying process.

It can be done through live chats with representatives, AI-powered chatbots, messaging apps, or even voice assistants like Alexa and Siri.

And it can be done at every stage of the buying journey, from early-stage awareness to post-purchase aftercare.

How conversational commerce can help build your brand

Done well, it makes the online shopping process more natural.

Shoppers can ask questions and get recommendations based on past purchases, and feel more confident in their decision once they hit ‘Buy.’

But the benefits don’t stop there.

Effective conversational commerce can have a huge impact on your entire brand experience.

Showcase your brand

Yes, its primary functionality is all about commerce. But consumers don’t think in terms of channels or departments. They see your brand as a whole experience.

So in practice, conversational commerce is a blend of commerce, marketing and even customer service.

When you’re able to answer their questions (service) and eventually drive purchase (commerce), all in a seamless, omnichannel experience, you deliver a great brand customer experience that reinforces your overall brand (marketing).

Just like store employees are “the face” of your brand, these interactions serve the same function, just digitally.

Use them to showcase your brand identity through natural (albeit automated) conversation.

(Keep that in mind as you start writing your automated scripts.)

Deliver personalized, 1:1 engagements

When it comes to customer experience, personalization is everything right now.

68% of customers will spend more money with brands that “get them.” So, any chance you have to demonstrate that understanding is worth pursuing.

And while wide-reaching tactics like advertising, newsletters, or even your website can offer a certain level of customization, these chat exchanges are truly 1:1 interactions. That makes them the perfect opportunity to deliver hyper-personalized experiences that make them feel seen.

It’s the faster way to foster deep, lasting customer relationships.

If you can deliver a good, convenient experience in that moment, they will remember.

Ready to start the conversation?

Here are some tips to consider.

Set a clear goal

What do you want to get our of your conversational commerce experience? Are you looking to cross-sell and upsell products and services, or provide post-purchase aftercare, or assist customers while they’re still in the research/awareness stage?

It’s tempting to say “Yes, and!” But starting with a specific goal in mind will lead to greater success. Identify that goal and use that as your starting point.

Determine the logistics

Based on your primary goal, decide where the experience will live. (A chatbot on your website? Social media messaging apps?)

You’ll also want to decide whether you’re using AI channels like chatbots and voice assistants, or live chats with real people.

Consider why your customers are engaging, and determine what will deliver the best possible experience in that context.

Start engaging with vendors

Once you have an idea of what you want, it’s time to reach out to solution providers. Unless you’re a software provider yourself, chances are you’ll need some help to bring this to life.

(And even then, it’s a good idea to reach out to vendors to compare options. Think of it like checking for blind spots.)

Strike while the iron is hot…

When a customer engages with your brand, be it via a chatbot or live representative, they are opening a door to conversation. In that moment, they’re receptive to hearing what you have to say.

That opportunity doesn’t come along often in e-commerce.

Seize the opportunity by offering cross-sell and upsell recommendations. Remember: the more relevant the recommendations are to the customer and the current conversation (aka, the more personalized), the better.

…but keep it relevant

According to HubSpot, 70% of people are willing to use messaging apps for assistance, but when they do, it’s because they want their questions answered or problems solved fast.

That has to take top priority.

The final word: Build your brand through conversational commerce

Conversational commerce has opened a door for brands looking to deliver outstanding customer experiences online.

Now, you can provide some of the most brand-building elements of in-store interactions in your e-commerce site.

This has enormous potential, and we’re still in the early days of this technology. Executed well, it can create meaningful customer interactions that drive sales, and boost customer loyalty.

At its core, conversational commerce is another touchpoint for your customers. And every touchpoint is a chance to deliver an exceptional brand experience.

Looking for other ways to build your brand?

We can help!

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